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Challenging the belief that success in life is solely dependent on academic achievement

I’m super passionate about empowering people to live their best possible life.

I have had worked with many students, teachers, parents and schools over the past 14 years and as a result of that experience and insight, I have a wealth of knowledge regarding the psychological challenges that many students experience.

What I’ve discovered is simple but powerful.

Amongst stress, frustration, and “not feeling good enough’ lies a belief. This belief proves to be the foundation for many students struggle within education.

It has the power to chip away at self-esteem.

It has the power to strip away confidence.

It has the power to induce anxiety.

I’ve worked with parents who have lost children through suicide because of this belief.

And I’ve worked with adults who have spent the last 20 years believing it.

These adults have been living limited lives as a result.

It needs to change.

The belief guilty of so much destruction consists simply of these words:

Success is dependent on the best academic achievements

As a society we have been conditioned to believe that this is true. If you are a parent, then you may believe this to be true.

My question to you is, “How do you know this to be true?”.

A belief is simply something that we perceive to be true.

Our beliefs are installed at a young age.

Beliefs are ‘projected’ onto us by parents or peers and we live our lives based on these beliefs.

We then project them onto our own children.

If you believe that success is dependent on the best academic achievements, then it is very likely that this belief was projected onto you at a young age.

Believing this to be true, you sought evidence to prove it to be true.

And there is a good chance that you have unconsciously programmed your children to believe the same.

I’m here today to challenge your reality.

I’m here to tell you that this belief has been restricted what you ‘see’.

I’m here to tell you that this belief is not true.

I’d also like to suggest that this belief has restricted what you personally do.

To make this clear, bring to mind a horse wearing ‘blinkers’. Blinkers restrict a horse’s vision. Although a world exists outside of the blinkers, the horse only sees a small proportion due to its restricted sight.

Owning a negative belief is like wearing a pair of blinkers. Your vision is limited.

If you believe that success is dependent on the best academic achievements, then you will only notice people who have achieved success through academic achievement.

WHAT YOU DON’ T NOTICE are all the people that have achieved huge success without any academic achievements at all. You are literally ‘blind to the success of others”.

But I see. I see the people who have created wonderful and very successful careers based on persistence, passion and determination.

Many struggled significantly within education yet have been incredibly successful.

The real truth is that:

Success is dependent on self-belief, passion and determination

Every student, child, parent and teacher needs to know this.

You need to know this. Blinkers need to be removed. Eyes need to be opened. Thoughts need to change. Words spilling from the lips of parents need to change.

Your son who won’t sit still in lessons and who is labelled ‘disruptive’ is talented.

Their skills may lie in football or art.

Your daughter who struggles with Mathematics or English may excel in creating or constructing.

Your child who ‘wastes time in school day-dreaming’ could be the next Walt Disney or Einstein.

Your child has limitless potential.

My question to you is “Are you limiting their potential with the belief that success is dependent on the best academic achievements?

As a nation, we need to focus on empowering children and students.

It is not acceptable for children or students to believe that they are not enough.

It is not acceptable for them to believe that their lives will never amount to anything without an A*.

It is not acceptable for teenagers and students to be depressed and take their lives believing that their life will be a reflection of their grades.

As I type this in my local coffee shop, I sit with tears in my eyes.

I’m driven by the emotional conversations that I’ve had with children, students and parents.

I see it as my job to help turn their pain into power.

If just one parent really ‘hears me’ through these words and changes their belief, then I’ve made a difference.

And you will make a difference as a result.

Together let’s break the cycle. Let’s help to eradicate the old and false belief that success is defined by academic achievement.

Let’s tell the truth and help people see the truth. Let’s help the children and students for years to come.

Please share this post because together we can make a difference.

You can make a difference. You may even save a life.

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