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Flexibility Is Key

Flexibility is KEY.

Last night we ate out. Not in a restaurant. Not in a cafe. But in a field.

(Please note that we are abiding by the rules and are very grateful to have our own field, miles from anyone in which to do this).

We filtered water  using our MSR Guardian (the best water filter we have EVER used) from the stream to drink and cook. The chilli simmered away in the Dutch Oven whilst the rice cooked alongside. Sat on camping chairs we watched the sun go down and our dog run endlessly around us.

It was a very beautiful evening.

What we are all coming to realise is that flexibility is key right now. We need to do things differently.

Yes we need to stay at home.
Yes we need to self isolate.
And we need to find ways to add variety to our days so that we remain in good spirit.

Very recently at 8pm in the evening, we all clapped the NHS and what a wonderful experience that was. Even living in a remote village miles from anywhere we clapped and whooped and heard others doing the same from across the valley. A huge spirit lifting experience.

The way that we lift our spirits right now is to prioritise flexibility.

We need to think differently so that we do things differently. We can’t be ‘normal’ right now. But we can be flexible. We can find new ways to do things. We can find new ways to add variety to our lives.

The question is not “What can’t we do?’.

It’s “What can we do?” with the resources and time that we have.

(Please note that links on this page are Amazon affiliate links which do not affect you in anyway. It just means I receive a small commission which helps to keep me supplied with coffee as I continue to write and inspire!)

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