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The Mannequin Movement

The mannequin travels far and wide and is re-dressed with happiness by the general public who adorn her with inspirational words and quotes.

How Did The Movement Begin?
The mannequin movement began simply by accident. Promoting my self-help book Strip Naked & Re-Dress With Happiness at an event in London, I used the mannequin to create audience engagement. Offering a pot of Sharpies, I asked passers-by to re-dress her with happiness.

What I didn’t expect was the willingness of all ages to share their thoughts and words. Strangers began to share inspiring stories. People connected with other people. Children, teens, and adults of all ages wanted to contribute. Together we laughed, cried and experienced heart-warming moments.

On the way home, I carried the mannequin through Paddington Station and put her against the wall to rest whilst I checked my train times. People began approaching and taking photos and asked to write their words and quotes on the mannequin. Others took photos and began posting then on social media. What the mannequin seemed to create, seemed to good to end. The mannequin movement was born.

How Does It Work?
The mannequin is left (discreetly supervised) in a public place with a pot of Sharpies. Passers-by are encouraged to help her re-dress with happiness with their words. They are encouraged to take photos and share them on social media using #mannequinmovement.

The aim of the mannequin movement is to inspire and connect through words and hearts. It’s created by the people, for the people.

If you would like the mannequin to attend an event, school or organisation then call me on 07922 047740, or fill out the enquiry form below.

The Mannequin Movement Enquiry

We will use the data you provide to process your requests. We will not sell, share, or distribute your personal information.

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