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7 Myth’s About Happiness You Need To Stop Believing

7 Myth’s About Happiness You Need To Stop Believing

There is knowledge that I have access to that I feel compelled to share. Having worked in the field of personal transformation for 15 years now, I’ve heard many life stories, listened to many regrets and have helped countless individuals create positive change.

Over the years, it has become clear that there are various ‘myths’ or ‘beliefs’ that we have which rob us of happiness. The stories that we tell ourselves about why we can’t have the things that we want, often are not true.

Our ‘myths’ are often a result of early childhood programming. Parents or peers (with the best intention) pass on these gifts believing that they will be of benefit. This isn’t about blame but about understanding. We all do the best with the resources and the knowledge that we have at the time. They did their best.

I’m here to give you new knowledge. You have the power to break the cycle. As a ‘mythbuster’, you may change the future not only for yourself, but for others who follow in your footsteps.

Power up and take note of the 7 biggest myth’s about happiness below!

Happy people didn’t have bad stuff happen to them. WRONG. Your past does not dictate your future. What you will find when you look hard enough, is that people who have been through adversity often come through stronger and happier. Adversity doesn’t break you. It makes you. But that’s a choice. (For a great read on this topic check out my book here:

Life is about working hard to pay the bills. DITCH THIS. RIGHT NOW. Adulthood doesn’t equal unhappiness. Unless you choose to believe this. Who told you this? How do you know that this is true? More to the point, how is this restricting you right now? Life is what you make it. Life is about many things including joy, fulfilment and love. And there are many ways that you can pay bills without working an 80hr week and it’s never been easier. (Look at the YouTuber’s and bloggers creating a huge income doing what they love).

My career is enough to make me happy. No, it’s not. It could contribute towards happiness. But what happens when that career ends is taken away? Relying totally on your career to bring you happiness is a big, big mistake. To be happy within we need to prioritise other things such as love and connection. And of course, life balance.

I can’t get rid of negative feelings so I can’t be happy. Yes you can. Happy people have negative feelings too. Everyone experiences negative thoughts and feelings. How long you choose to stay focused on those feelings will substantially affect your happiness. If you have negative feelings for 90% of the day, then aim to reduce this. Start by creating your own ‘happy hour’ every day when you immerse yourself in things that lift your spirits. Play music that uplifts you. Listen to a podcast. Make a list of all that you have that you are grateful for.

I will be happy when…… (I’ve paid off the mortgage, I’m married etc). Probably not. Labelled ‘arrival fallacy’ by Ben Sharar, the arrival of an event usually results in a shortfall of expected happiness. (Check out his book here: ). Waiting for an external trigger will not necessarily bring sustainable happiness. Work on the things that will increase your happiness now instead of waiting for something to happen.

Prioritising my happiness is selfish. My question to you is “How do those around you suffer because you are unhappy?”. Prioritising your happiness is not selfish. It is essential. When you are happy, those around you will be happier too. If you are on a plane, the safety advice usually involves “If oxygen levels drop, the masks will fall. Make sure you put on your own mask before you help others”. Wise words.

I’m need a new car, new house, new phone. More will make me happier. Erm…no. Research clearly demonstrates that we may experience short term good feelings as a result of purchasing material possessions. But excitement rapidly wears off. What does increase our happiness, however, is money spent on experiences. We never remember the joy of a new mobile phone 10 years on, but the joy remembering adventures and experiences lasts forever.

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