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How To Stick To New Year’s Resolutions

How To Stick To New Year’s Resolutions

Setting New Year’s Resolutions, we are all reminded that time is passing and that life is short. We strive to improve our lives by using a new year to set goals. Research suggests, however, that by February, 80% of them will have been abandoned. We often just give up and return to previous habits, settling for less than we deserve.

If you know that you deserve more and want to ensure that you stick to your New Year’s Resolutions, then follow my simple strategies below:

Ensure that the goal that you set is clear and very specific.

For example:

“I want to lose weight” is not specific enough.

“I want to lose 2 stone by July” is much more specific and includes an amount and a deadline.

“I want to go on holiday this year” is too vague.

“I want to go to France in August” is far better.

Write down your specific goals with deadlines and you are more likely to move towards them.

Ensure that your goal is realistic.

Your goal must be realistic. By realistic, I don’t mean easy. I mean achievable in the time set. Setting unrealistic goals is not recommended; it’s better to move in small steps than try and take one big one and fall. Ask yourself, “With determination, is this goal possible in the time that I have set?”.


Write down what will happen if you achieve your goal.

How will you feel?

What would you say to yourself having achieved it?

How would this impact others in your life?

Associating pleasure with completion is powerful. Understanding the impact of your goal will help motivate you to make things happen.

Write down what will happen if you don’t achieve your goal.

How will you feel?

How will this impact your life and the lives of others in it?

How will you feel at the end of the next year if you haven’t achieved it?

Associating pain with not acting is also motivating because we want to move away from it.


Hold yourself accountable to others.

Tell others your plans or goals. Knowing that others know may make you think twice about giving up. The ‘light pressure’ of others knowing will help you to keep on track.

Know that an obstacle is not meant to stop you.

Sticking to a resolution isn’t always smooth sailing. If you are trying to eat healthily, you may occasionally slip. If you are saving monthly for a holiday but find yourself with an unexpected vet bill one month, it may not be possible. If you go for a job interview, you may not get the job.

Obstacles are not the end. If you set goals, prepare for obstacles. Know that when they arise it’s not a sign you need to stop. You simply need to find a way to navigate around them. Do what you need to do to overcome them.

Now that you know how to stick to New Year’s Resolutions, it’s time to set your goal and reap the benefits!

For further inspiration to set your goas read about the cat and the cage here:

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