Here are my top 5 ways to ease pandemic panic:
It’s important to keep up to date with current rules and restrictions but it’s also important to limit time doing this.
Constantly watching and checking statistics can cause huge stress because we are constantly focusing on ‘what is wrong’ allowing little time for us to focus on ‘what is right’ with our lives. Be aware of how often you are being bombarded with negative news through the radio, television and social media.
Balance it out by reading or listening to positive or inspirational stories. Pandemic panic will lessen and you will find yourself with a more relaxed mind. If you find yourself drawn to media influences, then step outside and take a walk in nature instead. Check out the health benefits of nature here:
What we have all come to realise during this pandemic is the importance of the people and relationships in our lives.
We are only truly rich when we have many things that money cannot buy. We don’t need ‘things’ to be happy.
Why not use knowledge gained during these challenging times to commit to prioritising people not possessions? Take an hour a day to de-clutter and donate unused items to others that may actually need or use them. This process is more than a clear-out, it’s a commitment to living a better life.
It’s very easy to focus on what we have temporarily lost.
It seems as if there is so much we cannot do or do not have. But there is still a lot we can do and do have.
If you cannot hug a loved one then be grateful that you can still laugh and smile with them. Although travel is restricted, we need to be grateful for the technology that still allows us to connect. Be grateful for the things that you can still enjoy, and the small joys that you experience every single day.
I highly recommend using a gratitude journal to keep a daily record of experiences that you are grateful for. (And I highly recommend this beautiful little gratitude journal found here:
There are many things that we cannot currently control.
Wishing that things were different only causes anxiety. Blaming others for making wrong decisions fuels stress. We need to focus on what we can control and we can control our reactions to our circumstances. We can change our thoughts. We can change our perspective.
As a result, we influence our outcome. Every single day we make hundreds of choices including what we focus on. Make sure you are focusing on what you can control.
Turn the pain that you are feeling into power and pandemic panic into something productive.
What negative emotions have you been feeling during this time?
What are these feelings communicating to you?
How can you use the knowledge to live a better life?
If working from home has given you more time with your family then create a plan that will allow you to permanently have more time with your loved ones. If you have suddenly realised that life is short (and we only get one chance) then why not decide to live a more fulfilling life? Write down a series of small steps that you could take to help you on your way.
Turning your pain into power could substantially increase your happiness.
(Links are Amazon affiliate links which may mean I receive a small commission for products sold through my web-site. This helps to keep me supplied with coffee so that I can continue to write and inspire).