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Are You Blind To Opportunity?

Two years ago, I completed an animal tracking course. On my return, I took my dog out for a walk, through the fields and woodlands that we often visited. As I walked, I felt as if my eyes had been opened; I saw deer and badger footprints, a trail of white feathers (obviously a bird had fallen victim to its prey and been carried away) and animal trails, clearly evident by the gaps in hedgerows and the parting of foliage. I couldn’t believe that I’d walked that route so frequently and had never noticed such things. The truth is, I’d never noticed them because I’d never been looking for them!

It reminded me a lot of life and the ‘blindness’ that we experience. We are often totally blind to opportunities and alternative paths that surround us because we don’t look for them! Sometimes we think that what we are experiencing is all that there is. If we are in a job or relationship that we don’t like, we may not see a way out. We may assume that there is nothing or no-one to help us find more happiness but that is so far from the truth!

Surrounding you right now, are many paths that you can choose to walk. There are many doors waiting to be discovered that will lead you to new opportunities. There is a bigger world with more happiness, joy and fulfilment just waiting for you. You just need to open your mind and your eyes and it’s easier than you think!

There is a part of your brain called the Reticular Activating System which is a network of neurons located in the brain stem. It filters out information that isn’t important to you and draws your attention to information that is. If you write down a list of goals and things that you want in your life, it helps your RAS understand that these things are important. This means that you are more likely to notice things that will help you achieve your goals! You may notice a training course, a new potential home or a special offer for a holiday abroad for example.

Writing down a list of goals is a good first step. The second step is to understand that what we look for we find! Why not start looking for your new paths and opportunities today?

And if you are interested in checking out the animal tracking course, find our more here:




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