Do you have a teenager that is currently making career or future decisions?
Do you worry about their choices?
Do you want to help but don’t know what to say?
I’d like to help by sharing with you my 4 TOP THINGS NOT TO SAY!
“You need to get a sensible job” – It depends what you define as sensible but more often than not it’s common for a parent to use their words to try to convince their teen to choose a traditional career.
If your child wants to be an actor, singer or musician you may not feel that this is the best choice. You will only be feeling this based on your own beliefs. And you belief is something simply that you PERCIEVE to be true.
As you were growing up yourself you were influenced by the beliefs of your parents.
Your current life may well be a reflection of your parents beliefs.
If your teen believes that can achieve their dream, then they probably will. If you want your teenager to live a happy life, then the most sensible decision that they can make is to pursue their passion.
“You need to do well in school to succeed” – NOT. AT. ALL. This is simply not true.
We are conditioned as a society to believe that we need to get the best grades to live the best life.
Grades however, bear no reflection on intelligence.
Many, many people who didn’t get very good grades in school are exceptionally successful and often employ many others.
Look around. You will see that it is true.
Your teenagers determination and passion will take them much further than any academic grade.
“Life is about working hard to pay the bills” – This may be your perception fuelled by your belief.
You may have heard your own parents say this to you.
What if this was simply a story that you have been believing that simply isn’t true?
Shouldn’t life be about fun, excitement, joy and fulfilment?
What if your teenager could pay the bills doing something that they loved?
What if they loved it so much that it never felt like work?
Wouldn’t you want this for them?
If you are dis-satisfied with your life then it’s never too late to change your beliefs and live a life that you love!
“This career choice will affect your whole life” – No. It won’t.
Your teenager does not have to have one job for their whole life. They can choose to change jobs whenever they like and they probably will.
Every job that they experience will allow them to gain valuable knowledge. Nothing will ever be a waste of their time.
Teenagers experience much anxiety and stress because they feel that one decision will impact their whole life.
Help free your teenager from unnecessary stress by reminding them that this simply isn’t true.
So what do you say to your teenager? I’d highly recommend the words of Steve Jobs below:
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”