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How To Be Happy During Covid-19 (turn your pain into power)

How to Be Happy During Covid-19…

…Turn Your Pain into Power

It’s not easy. We are all and will continue to face challenges as a result of Covid-19. It’s definitely been harder to find or sustain happiness. But it’s still possible.

The key is not to ‘wish away the emotional pain’ but turn the pain into power.

Here are 5 things that may be causing you current emotional pain. And my tips for turning these pains into power!

Missing Friends & Family

If your heart hurts because you feel isolated or are missing loved ones, then understand that your pain is reminding you of the importance of these people in your life. It’s not until things are taken away, that we realise their importance. Turn this pain into power and decide NOW to create a future in which you highly prioritise these relationships.

Why not create a pact with your friends to meet up more regularly?

How could you spend more time with your family?

How can you work less so that you love more?

Understand that this pain has a silver lining. Turning it into power could significantly increase your happiness and your health! (Social connection has a huge impact on longevity).

Experiencing Boredom

If you find yourself feeling relentlessly bored, then ask yourself “What would I love to be doing that I cannot currently do?”. Make a list of all of the things that you are missing and then make it your mission (when out of lockdown) to increase the time you spend doing those things. Refuse to ruminate on what you can’t have or can’t do right now, instead plan what you will do, and the changes that you will make as a result of feeling bored now.

This will definitely help you feel happier during Covid-19 because having turned pain into power you can begin to look forwards to living a more fulfilling life!

Experiencing Restricted Emotions

Many of us may experience feeling ‘flat’. As we experience less, we often experience less of a range of emotions. There may seem less to make us feel excitement or joy. Really pay attention to the emotions that you are missing. What can you appreciate about the ‘flat feelings’ that you have been experiencing? What can you learn from these feelings?

What emotions are you missing that you want to feel?

Write down all of the things that bring you these missing emotions and make a plan to experience more of these things as soon as you can.

If you want to feel more joy or excitement right now, then focus on the ‘small wins. This morning I got up to find that someone had actually put a new toilet roll on the holder, instead of leaving it on top as usual! I laughed and told my husband that this had brought me joy!!! Definitely a small win!


Nothing to Dress Up For

We’ve all done it. We’ve all sat around in our pyjamas or joggers, revelling in the fact that we no longer need to ‘make an effort’ with our appearance if we are spending a lot of time at, or working from home.

But the novelty soon wore off.

You may be looking longingly at your party dress hanging in the wardrobe. You may look longingly at your heels. Or gaze longingly at your favourite aftershave or perfume wondering when you will get the opportunity to spritz again.

If you find yourself lounging around, waiting for the time to return when you can ‘make an effort’, then I have a recommendation. THE TIME IS NOW.

Why wait to use the best crystal glasses?

Why save your best underwear for special occasions?

Why wait until you find an occasion to smell good?

Right NOW, is a special occasion. Every day that we are blessed with life should be a celebration. Never has there been such a strong reminder. Don’t save the best for the best day. Today is the best day.

Worrying That Life Is Short

If you are worrying that life is short, then ask yourself why you are worrying.

Are you worrying because you haven’t yet achieved what you want to achieve?

Are you worrying because you feel that you are in the wrong job and want a different career, but haven’t yet had a chance to change?

Are you worrying because you fear you may get to the end of your life with regrets?

The biggest mistake that we can make is to believe that we will always have enough time.

Use the pain and worry that you currently feel to remind you of this mistake. And make it your mission to never, ever assume that you will always have enough time.

What a wonderful excuse you have right now to create change. (Not that you have ever needed an excuse). What a wonderful opportunity you have to create a better life and live as a happier person. Turn your worry into wonderful things!

Paying attention to these top tips will enable you to discover how to be happy during Covid-19 so start applying them today!


To discover more happiness tips, why not check out my book that continues to change lives all over the world: Strip Naked & Re-Dress With Happiness

(Links on this site are Amazon Affiliate links which means that I receive a small commission for products sold. Your support is greatly appreciated and helps to keep me supplied with coffee as I continue to write to inspire).

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