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How To Be Happy With Your Life in 2024

If you want to know how to be happy with your life in 2024, then take a few minutes to read my words. You need to know that:

There are thoughts and behaviours that hinder happiness. 

There are thoughts and behaviours that help happiness.

I’d like to share with you my top tips to help you achieve your happiness and live the life that you truly deserve.

How To Be Happy With Your Life in 2024

Make time to do small things that contribute to big things (like happiness).

Stop rushing and start relaxing. Make time to walk through nature. Make time to stop and gaze at the stars. Spend less time doing and more time being. Create free time every day so that you can choose to do something instead of having to do it.

Become aware of your stories (then let them go).

You are making things up. You have created stories about yourself or your life that may be limiting you. You may believe that you are not good enough. You may believe that what you are experiencing is all that there is. You may believe that you don’t deserve to be happy, or that you are not enough to be loved.

These are simply stories that you have created to help you make sense of past experiences. And I guarantee that these stories are built on fiction not fact. Start to look for evidence that these stories may not be true. What we look for we find. If you change your stories, you will change your life.

Silence notifications on your mobile phone.

You were not born to respond to constant beeps. Responding to notifications (and yes, even looking at a message is responding) you are not in control of your own life. You are constantly reacting to the lives of others and de-prioritising your own. Being on ‘constant call’ decreases happiness levels because we never really live the life that we want to live. Banish the beeps and notifications and choose to live life your way.

Think about your ideal day and then your ideal week. What would you be doing? Who would you be with?

You may not be able to create your perfect day or week instantly or every day. But you can identify what you would like and start to bring bits of these ideal days or weeks into your current days and weeks. Notice how much this increases your happiness if done regularly.

Spend more money on experiences than on possessions.

A life well lived is not a life earning enough money to buy enough possessions. At the end of your life would you rather reflect on an expensive car or memories of fun with friends and family? Invest in yourself this year. Why not learn a new skill? Or pursue an adventure? Don’t let another year pass just ‘thinking’ about these things. Do them. (Why not check out my trip to Sweden in March 2024 – you will get to spend a whole week with me unleashing your potential through adventure) Check it out here:

Show interest in others and make them feel valued. 

I cannot underestimate the importance of this and for so many reasons. People want to feel valued and you have the power to make them feel this way. Pay genuine compliments. Ask questions about people’s lives. Be fully present in interactions with others and prioritise giving time. By making others feel good, we feel good. Imagine sprinkling rays of sunshine wherever you go. You will lift the days of others and possibly their lives.

Find a way to contribute to something beyond yourself. 

Make it a priority to make a difference to others. Find ways to help the lives of others. Could you help out in your local community? Could you take part in a charity walk or run? Alternatively, look for opportunities to make a difference to the lives of others through volunteering. Volunteers often report ‘helpers high’ – a feeling of euphoria having given expecting nothing in return.

Learn to love yourself. 

Focus less on perfection and more on authenticity. You are enough. You have always been enough. You are a beautiful person walking this earth with the power to live the best life as the best you. Give up comparing yourself to others for you were not meant to be like others. You were not born to fit in but to stand out. Trying to be like others we suppress our soul and happiness. Reverse it. Embrace individuality!

If you were wondering how to be happy with your life in 2024, then these words may be of great value! Start creating change!

For more tips check out my book on Amazon:




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