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The Benefits Of A Kinder Workplace

I’m super passionate about educating others about the benefits of kindness.

With deadlines to meet and a never-ending ‘to-do’ list, kindness is not always a high priority within a business. I’m hoping after reading this it will help you, and help others make it a priority.

Kindness is defined as the quality of being caring, friendly, generous and considerate.

We all have the power to show kindness to others; my question to you is “Are you using your power?”

Using this power and increasing your kindness within your role has many benefits.

When you are kind to another, you create a release of dopamine in the brain which immediately makes you feel more positive and happier.

Psychologist Shawn Achor has discovered that when we are more positive, our ability to be “creative, intelligent and productive” increases.

Just imagine the effect that this could have within the business itself if every employee decided to be kinder on a daily basis!

Being kind to others also creates a release of the hormone oxytocin within both parties, both giver and receiver.

The oxytocin then travels through the bloodstream and attaches to receptors on the blood vessels walls.

This then causes a release of nitric oxide which dilates the blood vessels. This in turn lowers blood pressure which protects the heart.

Kindness is therefore known to be ‘cardioprotective’.

Is it possible that kindness could counteract the effects of a stressful job? It seems highly likely.

Kindness also reduces significantly reduces depression and anxiety.

One study carried out by the University Of British Columbia requested that a group of highly anxious people carry out acts of kindness 6 times a week.

After just one month it was discovered that participants had a significant increase in positive mood, were more satisfied with their relationships and also showed a decrease in social avoidance in social situations.

Increasing kindness within the workplace therefore can have a huge positive impact on health, well-being and productivity.

If you want to take action following my words, then here are a few ideas to help you become kinder at work:

  • Leave a kind note on someone’s desk. Tell them how amazing they are and how much you value them.
  • Be attentive. People give clues as to what they love or enjoy. If it’s chocolate cake, surprise them with a little cake! If they like a 9am cup of tea, have it ready and waiting for them when they arrive.
  • Compliment people. If someone looks nice, tell them. If they have really helped you out, then tell them how much you appreciate them.
  • Create Random Acts Of Kindness anonymously. Do nice things for other people as often as possible and expect nothing in return.
  • Listen to people, really listen. When they speak to you turn away from your computer and make eye contact. Give them quality time. If you can’t give them quality time at that moment, simply say “I really want to give you my full attention. Can you give me 5 minutes so that we can talk uninterrupted?”
  • Look for opportunities to be kind. If someone is struggling, ask yourself, “What can I do to help?”
  • Remember that people have lives outside of the work environment. Ask them about their week-end, their families and their interests. Aim for quality conversation and remember important facts; this may help you to be kinder to them at a later date. If a colleague loves to go the cinema, then a Random Act Of Kindness could be to drop an anonymous cinema ticket on their desk!
  • Be kinder to people outside of the work environment. Be kind as often as possible whenever possible. Be aware that a few kinds words could change someone’s day, or possibly their life. By increasing your kindness outside of the work-place too, it will become more natural for you to carry out acts of kindness on a daily basis. It will become ‘part of who you are’ and something that you always do.

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